MP3 Player
MP3 Player
Hello Admin, i`m trying to code in fnx basic a simple mp3 player but i`m not sure how to, i know that i must declare this first.
[code]declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare[/code]
This is almost like the declare function of VB, but how to put this to work?
Like this?
if play button event then
mci "play mysound"
[/code] :D
[code]declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare[/code]
This is almost like the declare function of VB, but how to put this to work?
Like this?
if play button event then
mci "play mysound"
[/code] :D
MP3 Player
Hi, you can try this:
declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare
dim filename as string
mci.lpstrcommand="Open "+filename
mci.lpstrcommand="Play "+filename
showmessage "Wait until sound has finished."
mci.lpstrcommand="Close "+filename
Check if the path of your mp3 file is correct, exepath is the path where your application is.
I hope this will help,best regards
declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare
dim filename as string
mci.lpstrcommand="Open "+filename
mci.lpstrcommand="Play "+filename
showmessage "Wait until sound has finished."
mci.lpstrcommand="Close "+filename
Check if the path of your mp3 file is correct, exepath is the path where your application is.
I hope this will help,best regards
MP3 Player
check this:
MP3 Player
Hello again, this is my code so far, some based on the yam and admin, but for some reason does`t seems to work.
declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare
Declare GetShortPathName as "GetShortPathNameA" of "kernel32"
lpszLongPath As String
lpszShortPath As String
lBuffer As Single
end declare
object janela as form
? height = 100
? width? = 400
? caption = "Tiny MP3 Player V 0.1"
? AutoSize = false
? WindowState = 0
? object btnopen as button
left = 10
top? = 30
caption = "Open"
onclick = open_file
? end object
? object btnplay as button
left = 100
top? = 30
caption = "Play"
onclick = play_file
? end object
? dim file as filedialog
end object
dim alias as string
sub open_file()
file.caption = "Select an mp3 player"
file.filter = "Mp3 Files(*.mp3)|*.mp3"
alias = part$(file.filename,"",instr(file.filename,"."))
alias = field$(alias,".",1)
alias = left$(alias,2)
end sub
sub play_file
? ?mci.lpstrcommand="Open "+chr$(34)+file.filename + chr$(34)+"TYPE MpegVideo ALIAS " + alias
? ?mci.execute
? ?mci.lpstrcommand="Play "+alias+"from 0"
? ?mci.execute
end sub
declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare
Declare GetShortPathName as "GetShortPathNameA" of "kernel32"
lpszLongPath As String
lpszShortPath As String
lBuffer As Single
end declare
object janela as form
? height = 100
? width? = 400
? caption = "Tiny MP3 Player V 0.1"
? AutoSize = false
? WindowState = 0
? object btnopen as button
left = 10
top? = 30
caption = "Open"
onclick = open_file
? end object
? object btnplay as button
left = 100
top? = 30
caption = "Play"
onclick = play_file
? end object
? dim file as filedialog
end object
dim alias as string
sub open_file()
file.caption = "Select an mp3 player"
file.filter = "Mp3 Files(*.mp3)|*.mp3"
alias = part$(file.filename,"",instr(file.filename,"."))
alias = field$(alias,".",1)
alias = left$(alias,2)
end sub
sub play_file
? ?mci.lpstrcommand="Open "+chr$(34)+file.filename + chr$(34)+"TYPE MpegVideo ALIAS " + alias
? ?mci.execute
? ?mci.lpstrcommand="Play "+alias+"from 0"
? ?mci.execute
end sub
MP3 Player
Did not try it but perhaps spaces
"Type -> " Type
"from -> " from
"Type -> " Type
"from -> " from
MP3 Player
No, still wont work. Windows 7 maybe the reason is my S.O? :-[
MP3 Player
Hi I placed a space for from and for type. Then it works on XP. I tested the execute on win7 ultimate, it works also. Is your mp3 file corrupt or wrong format? Sometimes mp3 files has that problem.
Do you have really an alias name just find out with showmessage or print.
you can also find out the result after the open function, it must be greater than 0.
best regards
Do you have really an alias name just find out with showmessage or print.
you can also find out the result after the open function, it must be greater than 0.
best regards
MP3 Player
I?m sorry but i did not undestand what you suggest, i have tried several mp3 and none worked, i must get rid of that alias and get other.
i must put lbl.caption = alias to see if is working or showmessage alias?
i must put lbl.caption = alias to see if is working or showmessage alias?
MP3 Player
well i have changed a bit the code, can you guys see if this is working?
declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare
Declare GetShort as "GetShortPathNameA" of "kernel32"
lpszLongPath As String
lpszShortPath As String byaddress
lBuffer As integer
end declare
object janela as form
height = 100
width = 400
caption = "Tiny MP3 Player V 0.1"
AutoSize = false
WindowState = 0
object btnopen as button
left = 10
top = 30
caption = "Open"
onclick = open_file
end object
object btnplay as button
left = 100
top = 30
caption = "Play"
onclick = play_file
end object
object lbl as label
left = 10
top = 10
end object
end object
dim filename as string
sub open_file()
dim file as filedialog
file.caption = "Select an mp3 player"
file.filter = "Mp3 Files(*.mp3)|*.mp3"
end sub
sub play_file
dim shortname as string
mci.lpstrcommand="open "+shortname+" type mpegvideo alias mysound"
mci.lpstrcommand="play mysound"
end sub
declare mci as "mciSendStringA" of "Winmm.dll"
lpstrCommand As String
lpstrReturnString As String byaddress
uReturnLength As integer
hwndCallback As integer
result as integer
end declare
Declare GetShort as "GetShortPathNameA" of "kernel32"
lpszLongPath As String
lpszShortPath As String byaddress
lBuffer As integer
end declare
object janela as form
height = 100
width = 400
caption = "Tiny MP3 Player V 0.1"
AutoSize = false
WindowState = 0
object btnopen as button
left = 10
top = 30
caption = "Open"
onclick = open_file
end object
object btnplay as button
left = 100
top = 30
caption = "Play"
onclick = play_file
end object
object lbl as label
left = 10
top = 10
end object
end object
dim filename as string
sub open_file()
dim file as filedialog
file.caption = "Select an mp3 player"
file.filter = "Mp3 Files(*.mp3)|*.mp3"
end sub
sub play_file
dim shortname as string
mci.lpstrcommand="open "+shortname+" type mpegvideo alias mysound"
mci.lpstrcommand="play mysound"
end sub