I am going through the manual and under result in the block commands
the function command is repeated.
do you have a simple example of getting the value of the trackbar that I can have..
I was also wanting to know if it is o.k. to distribute an archive of the messages.. ?I am using takenote (recently released and coded in python) and I am
combining the posts, the manual, example source code exc. because it makes it easier to search
and is extendable (would make a good replacement for the .chm file)
I like what I have seen of fnx basic so far and look foward to using it more.
manual and trackbar question
manual and trackbar question
You can read the trackbar with the property position ie
dim f as form
dim t as trackbar
showmessage str$(t.position)
if you close the form you get a popup with the trackbar position.
maybe you can pack the archive as zip and put it in the files section of this forum.
the manual would be rewritten because in the new version of fnxbasic there are more and different functions objects and methods.
best regards
You can read the trackbar with the property position ie
dim f as form
dim t as trackbar
showmessage str$(t.position)
if you close the form you get a popup with the trackbar position.
maybe you can pack the archive as zip and put it in the files section of this forum.
the manual would be rewritten because in the new version of fnxbasic there are more and different functions objects and methods.
best regards
manual and trackbar question
I have such a large amount of the manual done that I should go ahead and finish it and then re-edit it when the new manual comes out. I think I have a cool way to post a link to the download when I am finished(I use a google group,blog combo). Thanks for the help I look foward to trying it out.