dim textin as string
object myform as form
myform.Height = 435
myform.Width = 320
myform.Caption = "Silly Cypher Version 1.0"
object input as Richedit
input.Top = 0
input.width = 300
input.HideScrollBars = false
input.ScrollBars = ssBoth
input.WordWrap = false
end object
object mytext1 as edit
mytext1.Top = 100
mytext1.Text = "a"
end object
object mytext2 as edit
mytext2.Top = 125
mytext2.Text = "A"
end object
object mytext3 as edit
mytext3.Top = 150
mytext3.Text = "b"
end object
object mytext4 as edit
mytext4.Top = 175
mytext4.Text = "B"
end object
object mytext5 as edit
mytext5.Top = 200
mytext5.Text = "c"
end object
object mytext6 as edit
mytext6.Top = 225
mytext6.Text = "C"
end object
object mytext7 as edit
mytext7.Top = 250
mytext7.Text = "d"
end object
object mytext8 as edit
mytext8.Top = 275
mytext8.Text = "D"
end object
object output as richedit
output.Top = 300
output.Width = 300
output.ScrollBars = ssvertical
output.ReadOnly = true
end object
object cypher as button
left = 200
top = 150
end object
object decypher as button
left = 200
top = 200
end object
object help as button
left = 200
top = 250
end object
end object
sub cypher(textin as string)
dim counter as integer
dim counter2 as integer
dim a as integer
dim bin as string
dim bin2 as string
dim textout as string
dim words(7) as string
dim bytes(7) as string
textin = ""
textout = ""
bin = ""
counter = 0
a = 0
words(0) = mytext1.Text + " "
words(1) = mytext2.Text + " "
words(2) = mytext3.Text + " "
words(3) = mytext4.Text + " "
words(4) = mytext5.Text + " "
words(5) = mytext6.Text + " "
words(6) = mytext7.Text + " "
words(7) = mytext8.Text + " "
bytes(0) = "000"
bytes(1) = "001"
bytes(2) = "010"
bytes(3) = "011"
bytes(4) = "100"
bytes(5) = "101"
bytes(6) = "110"
bytes(7) = "111"
textin = input.Text
for counter = 1 to len(textin)
a = ASC ( mid$(textin,counter,1))
bin = right$("00000000" + bin$(a),8)
bin = "1" + bin
for counter2 = 1 to 9 step 3
bin2 = mid$(bin,counter2,3)
FOR a = 0 TO 7
if bytes(a) = bin2 then textout=textout+words(a)
output.Text = textout
end sub
sub decypher(textin as string)
textin = input.Text
dim words(7) as string
dim bytes(7) as string
dim counter as integer
dim counter2 as integer
dim bin as string
dim text as string
dim a as integer
dim textout as string
textout = ""
bin = ""
text = ""
words(0) = mytext1.Text + " "
words(1) = mytext2.Text + " "
words(2) = mytext3.Text + " "
words(3) = mytext4.Text + " "
words(4) = mytext5.Text + " "
words(5) = mytext6.Text + " "
words(6) = mytext7.Text + " "
words(7) = mytext8.Text + " "
bytes(0) = "000"
bytes(1) = "001"
bytes(2) = "010"
bytes(3) = "011"
bytes(4) = "100"
bytes(5) = "101"
bytes(6) = "110"
bytes(7) = "111"
`print textin
for counter = 1 to len(textin)
text = text+mid$(textin,counter,1)
`print text
if mid$(textin,counter,1)= " " then
for counter2 = 0 to 7
if words(counter2) = text then
bin = bin + bytes(counter2)
`print bin
end if
end if
for counter = 1 to len(bin) step 9
text = mid$(bin,counter,9)
`print text
if mid$(text,2,1) = "1" then a=a+128
if mid$(text,3,1) = "1" then a=a+64
if mid$(text,4,1) = "1" then a=a+32
if mid$(text,5,1) = "1" then a=a+16
if mid$(text,6,1) = "1" then a=a+8
if mid$(text,7,1) = "1" then a=a+4
if mid$(text,8,1) = "1" then a=a+2
if mid$(text,9,1) = "1" then a=a+1
output.text = textout
end sub
sub helper()
dim cr as string
dim lf as string
cr = chr$(13)
lf = chr$(10)
showmessage "Silly Cypher Version 1.0 By Albert Redditt June 2009 " + cr+lf+ "Enter your message in the top window and click Cypher."+cr+lf+"Tab to or click on output window at bottom." +cr+lf+"Select output with shift and down arrow." +cr+lf+"CTRL-C to copy."+cr+lf+"CTRL-V to paste into another app."+cr+lf+"You can alter the 8 words to suit your needs."+cr+lf+"Copy cyphered text into input box and click on DeCypher."
end sub
- Attachments
- SillyCypher.zip
- (333.63 KiB) Downloaded 415 times
Last version its all done can`t add any more to it.
this one is 12 bit but it still cyphers 3 bit blocks but i nested 4 random bits throught the byte.
Have fun its officially abandoned.
this one is 12 bit but it still cyphers 3 bit blocks but i nested 4 random bits throught the byte.
Have fun its officially abandoned.
- Attachments
- SillyCypher2.zip
- (335.37 KiB) Downloaded 415 times
Here is Version 3.
Its a full 256 bit. 32 bytes input 1024 bits output.
I just uploaded the bug fix for the file save and load its not backwards compatible.
a second bugfix 002.zip
Its a full 256 bit. 32 bytes input 1024 bits output.
I just uploaded the bug fix for the file save and load its not backwards compatible.
a second bugfix 002.zip
- Attachments
- Cyph256V3_001.zip
- (338.05 KiB) Downloaded 408 times
Here is a 512 bit version based on the 256 one
I just doubled the numbers and added 4 new panels
its not backwards compatible with the 256 version this one works with larger block sizes.
I just doubled the numbers and added 4 new panels
its not backwards compatible with the 256 version this one works with larger block sizes.
- Attachments
- Cyph512V1.zip
- (338.48 KiB) Downloaded 386 times
I doubled it again to 1024 bit
this is not backwards compatible with the 512 or 256 it works with larger block sizes
fully functional and cool looking data encryption engine.
This is 1024 bit it has 16 panels of numbers 1 to 1024
this is not backwards compatible with the 512 or 256 it works with larger block sizes
fully functional and cool looking data encryption engine.
This is 1024 bit it has 16 panels of numbers 1 to 1024
- Attachments
- Cyph1024V1.zip
- (339.39 KiB) Downloaded 433 times