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Reading a Text file if the text is "Tabulated"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:24 pm
by Darren
Can anybody help?

I have a text file, that can be opened in notepad.

The text is tabulated.

How can I read the second, third and fourth columns?

Nornally I would ise Mid$(InputString, 12, 8) etc

But this method does not work for Tabulated Text.

Please see the attached file!

Many thanks in advance!!!!


Reading a Text file if the text is "Tabulated"

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:30 pm
by Marco
Hi, load it into a stringgrid with the as seperator the tab (chr$(8)) or was it chr$(9) you have to find that out. If you want only use your stringgrid as a kind of buffer to process the text you can set visible to false.

if you had some more questions please ask
best regards