object frm as form
object edt as edit
OnKeydown= keydwn
end object
end object
sub keydwn(key as word,shift as integer)
end sub
what is missing or wrong help pls
Keydown event usage help pls
Keydown event usage help pls
object frm as form
object edt as edit
OnKeydown=keydwn``remove spaces after the = sign.
end object
end object
frm.showmodal``shows the form with the edit box
sub keydwn(key as integer,shift as integer)``key declared as integer
showmessage str$(key)``shows the number of the key in a messagebox
end sub
I hope this will help you, best regards
object edt as edit
OnKeydown=keydwn``remove spaces after the = sign.
end object
end object
frm.showmodal``shows the form with the edit box
sub keydwn(key as integer,shift as integer)``key declared as integer
showmessage str$(key)``shows the number of the key in a messagebox
end sub
I hope this will help you, best regards