Email using API [shell32.dll]
Email using API [shell32.dll]
Can anybody help???
I have this short visual basic code that I am trying to convert to FnxBasic
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Private Const SW_SHOW = 5
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
ShellExecute hwnd, _
"open", _
"mailto:" & txtTo.Text & _
"?cc=" & txtCc.Text & _
"&bcc=" & txtBcc.Text & _
"&subject=" & txtSubject.Text & _
"&body=" & Replace(txtMessage.Text, vbCrLf, "%0D%0A"), _
vbNullString, vbNullString, _
End Sub
Here is my program...
LoadLibrary "C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll"
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
hwnd As Long
lpOperation As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShowCmd As Long
End declare
With Email
`hwnd, "open", "mailto:" & "" & "subject=" & "DARRENS TEST" & "&body=" & Replace("DARREN SMITH WAS HERE", vbCrLf, "%0D%0A"), vbNullString, vbNullString,5
End With
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks in advance!!
I have this short visual basic code that I am trying to convert to FnxBasic
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Private Const SW_SHOW = 5
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
ShellExecute hwnd, _
"open", _
"mailto:" & txtTo.Text & _
"?cc=" & txtCc.Text & _
"&bcc=" & txtBcc.Text & _
"&subject=" & txtSubject.Text & _
"&body=" & Replace(txtMessage.Text, vbCrLf, "%0D%0A"), _
vbNullString, vbNullString, _
End Sub
Here is my program...
LoadLibrary "C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll"
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
hwnd As Long
lpOperation As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShowCmd As Long
End declare
With Email
`hwnd, "open", "mailto:" & "" & "subject=" & "DARRENS TEST" & "&body=" & Replace("DARREN SMITH WAS HERE", vbCrLf, "%0D%0A"), vbNullString, vbNullString,5
End With
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks in advance!!
Email using API [shell32.dll]
hi, you must set the variables of the api call.
then execute your api with the statement:
i hope this will help,best regards
then execute your api with the statement:
i hope this will help,best regards
Email using API [shell32.dll]
After spending hours on the the program, I cannot figure out how to fully implement the changes that you have told me about, could you please expand on your reply?
Kindest Regards
Kindest Regards
Email using API [shell32.dll]
hi, here is an example,
This must help i hope, otherwise ask again.
best regards
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
? hwnd As Long
? lpOperation As String
? lpFile As String
? lpParameters As String
? lpDirectory As String
? nShowCmd As Long
End declare
sub openmailbox(address as string,subject as string,body as string)
? email.lpoperation="open"
? email.lpfile="mailto:"+address+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+body
? email.execute
end sub
openmailbox("","DARRENS TEST","What will you ask?")
This must help i hope, otherwise ask again.
best regards
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
? hwnd As Long
? lpOperation As String
? lpFile As String
? lpParameters As String
? lpDirectory As String
? nShowCmd As Long
End declare
sub openmailbox(address as string,subject as string,body as string)
? email.lpoperation="open"
? email.lpfile="mailto:"+address+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+body
? email.execute
end sub
openmailbox("","DARRENS TEST","What will you ask?")
Email using API [shell32.dll]
Ther is a bug in the open command so you must put it first in a variable, i`ll try to fix it.
but you could also do this:
sub openmail(address as string,subject as string,body as string
dim operation as string
operation= "mailto:"+address+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+body
open operation
end sub
openmail("","DARRENS TEST","What will you ask?")
best regards
but you could also do this:
sub openmail(address as string,subject as string,body as string
dim operation as string
operation= "mailto:"+address+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+body
open operation
end sub
openmail("","DARRENS TEST","What will you ask?")
best regards
Email using API [shell32.dll]
This is my program, so far!
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
hwnd As Long
lpOperation As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShowCmd As Long
End declare
Sub OpenMailBox(Address As String, Subject As String, Body As String)
Email.lpoperation = "open"
Email.lpfile = "mailto:" + Address + "?subject=" + Subject + "&body=" + Body
End Sub
OpenMailBox("","DARRENS TEST","What will you ask?")
Can you get it to work?
It does not seem to work, any ideas?
Kindest Regards
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
hwnd As Long
lpOperation As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShowCmd As Long
End declare
Sub OpenMailBox(Address As String, Subject As String, Body As String)
Email.lpoperation = "open"
Email.lpfile = "mailto:" + Address + "?subject=" + Subject + "&body=" + Body
End Sub
OpenMailBox("","DARRENS TEST","What will you ask?")
Can you get it to work?
It does not seem to work, any ideas?
Kindest Regards
Email using API [shell32.dll]
I don`t get i`ve copied the code from your message. Downloaded fnx 12-2011. And run it. It works perfect. I use outlook express and windows xp.
the programs pops up with the text filled in. Anyone any suggestion?
the programs pops up with the text filled in. Anyone any suggestion?
Email using API [shell32.dll]
Sorry, my mistake. Must of been a senior moment!!!!
Just two more quick questions?
Firstly, is it possible to add attachments?
How to I automatically, using FNX basic, send the email (eg press the send key)?
Many thanks!!!
Just two more quick questions?
Firstly, is it possible to add attachments?
How to I automatically, using FNX basic, send the email (eg press the send key)?
Many thanks!!!
Email using API [shell32.dll]
I am afraid that is not possible because i found this on the internet:
the most simple one is to use the ShellExecute API call to send an email using the default e-mail client software installed on a user`s machine, this approach is ok, but you are unable to send attachments in this way.
I think you must find a executable or dll to send complete emails with an attachment and execute it with fnxbasic. You can use sendkeys to manipulate the email program but this will only aim a specified email program. If I find something usefull i will notify you.
maybe you can do something with:
best regards
the most simple one is to use the ShellExecute API call to send an email using the default e-mail client software installed on a user`s machine, this approach is ok, but you are unable to send attachments in this way.
I think you must find a executable or dll to send complete emails with an attachment and execute it with fnxbasic. You can use sendkeys to manipulate the email program but this will only aim a specified email program. If I find something usefull i will notify you.
maybe you can do something with:
best regards
Email using API [shell32.dll]
I am using Microsoft Outlook as my default email.
The only real problem that I have is automatically sending the email by somehow pressing the "send" key on outlook (using sendkeys).
I have tried using this approach but failed, any suggestions?
Here is my updated code that takes care of Cr (Carrage Returns)
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
hwnd As Long
lpOperation As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShowCmd As Long
End declare
Dim EmailAddress As String
Dim Subject As String
Dim OutputString As string
EmailAddress = ""
Subject = "Darrens Test"
OutputString = "Hello Darren," + Cr
OutputString = OutputString + "How are you?" + Cr
OutputString = OutputString + "" + Cr
OutputString = OutputString + "Hope that you are fine!" + Cr
OpenMailBox(EmailAddress, Subject, OutputString)
Sub OpenMailBox(Address As String, Subject As String, Body As String)
Email.lpoperation = "open"
Email.lpfile = "mailto:" + Address + "?subject=" + Subject + "&body=" + ReplaceSubStr$(OutputString, Chr$(13), "%0D%0A")
End Sub
Many thanks in advance !!!!
Kindest Regards
I am using Microsoft Outlook as my default email.
The only real problem that I have is automatically sending the email by somehow pressing the "send" key on outlook (using sendkeys).
I have tried using this approach but failed, any suggestions?
Here is my updated code that takes care of Cr (Carrage Returns)
Declare Email As "ShellExecuteA" Of "shell32.dll"
hwnd As Long
lpOperation As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShowCmd As Long
End declare
Dim EmailAddress As String
Dim Subject As String
Dim OutputString As string
EmailAddress = ""
Subject = "Darrens Test"
OutputString = "Hello Darren," + Cr
OutputString = OutputString + "How are you?" + Cr
OutputString = OutputString + "" + Cr
OutputString = OutputString + "Hope that you are fine!" + Cr
OpenMailBox(EmailAddress, Subject, OutputString)
Sub OpenMailBox(Address As String, Subject As String, Body As String)
Email.lpoperation = "open"
Email.lpfile = "mailto:" + Address + "?subject=" + Subject + "&body=" + ReplaceSubStr$(OutputString, Chr$(13), "%0D%0A")
End Sub
Many thanks in advance !!!!
Kindest Regards